A credit score is a number generated by a mathematical formula that is meant to predict credit worthiness. The most common of the credit score standards is the FICO score created by Fair Isaac. The FICO score ranges from 300-850 and is intended as a predictor of whether or not you will be 90 days late on a loan obligation. Fair Isaac uses thousands of credit reports to calibrate the FICO scoring model and is very secretive of the exact formula.

When you hire us, we will work on removing inaccuratly reported negative items from your payment history. We will also show you how to maximize your debt ratio score, even if paying off credit cards is not an option. Our Company has methods of increasing your credit history with positive rated accounts that will improve your score. We can also work on removing credit inquiries from your credit report.

Most people are aware of the three credit reporting agencies TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian. The average difference in scores between the highest and lowest of your three FICO scores is 60 points. This is the result of each of the credit bureaus having different items on their report, which may be correct, incorrect or are not reported in full compliance with credit law.
According to the Government Accountability Office, 80-90% of credit reports have serious errors on them and this does not even include the more minute errors for which we look. Our goal is to improve your credit situation and with this in mind, we offer
Our Guarantee.